The holiday season can be overwhelming and stressful, especially this year during the pandemic. We’re here to help you with some stress-busting tips to take into consideration when you may be feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.
For adults with Spina Bifida:
- Find virtual ways to spend time with your family and friends: This year is different than the past due to the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping people from their friends and family during a time they’d usually be spending time and celebrating with them. Find a virtual meeting platform such as zoom or FaceTime to set up a video call to celebrate the holidays together. It may not be the same as seeing them in person, but it’s a great alternative to still “be there” with them.
- Order your groceries to be delivered or picked up in advance: This can help limit your exposure to the virus as well as limit the stress of last minute grocery shopping.
- Take time for self-care and hobbies: The holidays are often a time when you have time away from your usual responsibilities at work or school. Take this time to focus on self-care and do things you enjoy. This is also a great time to discover new hobbies.
- Relax, breathe, and disconnect: The holidays are a great time to disconnect, breathe, and just relax. Disconnect from technology and focus on your breathing. This will help you to forget about all of the stressors that occur this time of year. Remember that stretching is another great way to relieve stress. Whether you’re in a chair or use crutches or any assistive device – we can all stretch! Stretching can help reduce muscle tension and increase blood circulation. Here’s a great adaptive stretching example for those with limited mobility.
- Lean on your friends and loved ones: Social isolation is a common stressor for adults with or without disabilities. During the holidays, ask your friends and family for support so you can experience the holiday season to the fullest. The holidays are a great time to celebrate each other! And remember, we at SBA are here for you! We’re grateful for you!
For parents/caregivers of loved ones living with Spina Bifida:
- Take time for self-care. I know I know, who has time for self-care during this busy season? But try to make an effort to take even five minutes every day just for yourself. That’s it, five minutes! In 2018, a psychologist found that when parents of children with Spina Bifida address and improve their personal and parental stress, it may improve their child’s health (Holmbeck, 2018). Think of it like being on an airplane that suddenly loses air pressure; you’ve got to put your oxygen mask on first. Don’t be afraid to do something for yourself. Maybe listen to some calming music, go on a walk or roll around the block, or lay on the floor and do some deep breathing. Taking care of yourself is just another way that you take care of your family. Click here for some additional mental health resources.
- Lean on your friends and loved ones. If you’re still feeling overwhelmed and feeling like you can’t say “no” too much, the best thing you can do is ask for help. You could pick one thing each person in your family could help you out with; no task is too small to make a difference in your workload! Remember, helping is a gift people want to give.
- Find virtual ways to spend time with your family and friends: This year is different than the past due to the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping people from their friends and family during a time they’d usually be spending time and celebrating with them. Find a virtual meeting platform such as zoom or facetime to set up a video call to celebrate the holidays together. It may not be the same as seeing them in person, but it’s a great alternative to still “be there” with them.
- Order your groceries to be delivered or picked up in advance: This can help limit your exposure to the virus as well as limit the stress of last minute grocery shopping.
- Do something that you want to do! As families grow and kids grow up, traditions and holiday plans can easily change. If something isn’t happening this year, add something that you want to do or don’t add anything! You already do so much for your kids and family! Make the holidays a special time for yourself as well.
- Give yourself a hug. It’s cheesy, but just do it! You deserve it. You work so hard all year round, and I know you’re pushing yourself even more over the holidays. Don’t forget how awesome you are. I want you to know that we see how hard you’re working, we see all that you’re doing, and we appreciate you.
Most importantly, enjoy this season! If you need additional resources or support, you can always contact our National Resource Center.
Additional Resources
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