We are excited to announce the formation of our new Research Advisory Council!
This group is comprised of parents of and individuals with Spina Bifida who are interested in improving the lives of people with Spina Bifida through research as well as Healthcare professionals who are interested in the improvement of care for people living with spina Bifida and experienced in research methods.
Congratulations to Ginny Briggs, Maya Evans, Maryellen Kelly, Hetty Mollert, Hubert Swana, Erin Kelly, Rebecca Nieters, Denise Garza, Robert Trierweiler, Jen Tudor, Sara Berghoefer, Linda Krach, Monique Ridosh, Linda Thunn, Kerry Wallace, Katie Schmidt, Andrea Fairman and Sara Beck for becoming members of our first Research Advisory Council.
The Research Advisory Council provides resources and guidance to the research efforts of the Spina Bifida Association. Members of the Advisory Council share their gifts in service to our mission by providing our organization with their expertise; their diverse knowledge of constituent perspectives; their connections to local, national or international resources, colleagues or peers; their philanthropic support or other forms of needed assistance.
“ As an epidemiologist, I felt it was important to contribute my expertise in study design and analysis to help further develop spina bifida research. As a parent of a teenager with spina bifida, I am passionate about working to make sure all people with spina bifida receive targeted health care, and live long, healthy, happy lives. The Research Advisory Council provided the opportunity to fulfill both my goals, and I am dedicated to working with the other council members to ensure future research is focused on areas the spina bifida community considers to be most important going forward.” – Ginny Briggs, Research Advisory Council Member